Expert witness service
Advice and opinion for use in legal disputes involving animals.
A service for solicitors and barristers involved in legal disputes involving animals, animal derivatives and professional negligence claims involving veterinary surgeons or animal keepers. This includes animal welfare and cruelty cases and matters involving animal products, injuries due to animals or neglect involving the care of an animal.
Applied research
Research and independent expert scrutiny for animal products and handling.
We provide research and independent expert scrutiny into pet products, food, animal welfare and handling systems, animal transport systems, audit processing and animal by-product processing. We can manage small to medium sized research projects with our own in-house expertise. Larger projects are collaborated out with our partners in academia and industry with project management, inception, progression and completion carried out by Forensic Vet.
Provision of training

Forensic Vet does not seek to provide qualified legal advice or replace a legal representative- we work with solicitors to provide advice relating to interpretation of the law with regard to the evidence presented and the application of this available material.